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About us

Welcome to our TESOL teaching team, a group of passionate educators with a wealth of professional experience. Our mission is to empower language learners through the art of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). Let us introduce you to the heart of our team:

Meet Our TESOL Teachers

  • Mrs. Maria Podraza, M.A. (USA), Lead TESOL Educator: with over 20 years of teaching experience and a M.A. in Teaching English as a Second Language, Mrs. Podraza brings a deep understanding of language acquisition and innovative teaching methods. She specializes in the English grammar instruction. Mrs. Podraza speaks in 3 languages fluently.

  • Mr. James Evans, B.A. (United Kingdom), English Language Conversation Senior Instructor: Mr. Evans's journey in TESOL began as English language enthusiast and traveler. His firsthand experience in diverse linguistic settings adds a unique perspective to our team.

  • Mr. Mirek Choma, M/LS; BFA, (Poland), ESL Senior Specialist: Mr. Choma has dedicated his career to English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction. He is a certified TESOL professional, and his enthusiasm for helping learners shines through his work. Mr. Choma has taught English in the USA, Germany, Poland and in the Middle East.

  • Mr. Henry Hartzenberg, B.A. (South Africa), Online English and Security Education Expert: Mr. Henry''s expertise lies in creating engaging online TESOL programs. He's at the forefront of using technology to enhance language learning. He is also a security specialist with an extensive army background.

  • Mrs. Shiranthini Hensman, M.A. in Linguistics, (Canada) Cultural Connector: Mrs. Shiranthini bridges the gap between language and culture. Her background in cultural studies enriches the English learning experience for our students.

Our Commitment

We are committed to delivering high-quality TESOL education that goes beyond language proficiency. Our teachers understand the unique needs of each learner, offering personalized guidance and a supportive learning environment. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your language skills, our team is here to help you achieve your goals.

Why Choose Us?

  • Experienced Professionals: Our TESOL teachers bring years of expertise to the table.

  • Diverse Backgrounds: We embrace diversity and cultural understanding, enhancing your learning experience.

  • Innovative Approaches: We stay at the forefront of educational technology and teaching methods.

  • Personalized Learning: Your success is our priority. We tailor our instruction to meet your specific needs.

Join us on a journey to language mastery. Together, we'll unlock the world of opportunities that fluency in English can provide.